Online Resources

  • Dr. Emma Katz' Substack

    Dr. Emma Katz is a world-leading expert in how coercive control affects children and impacts mother-child relationships. She regularly publishes accessible and brilliant articles on her substack about coercive control. A must read.

  • When Love Hurts

    When Love Hurts offers a lot of great stuff: a book, a curriculum for therapists who want to understand abuse in relationships, support groups for women, and many excellent online resources for women: articles, video resources, and blog posts on their website.

  • Duluth Wheels

    The Duluth Model’s has developed a number of extremely useful resources to visualize power and control, equality, post separation abuse, child abuse, and nurturing of children.

  • Zawn Villines Substack

    Zawn Villines is a feminist writer who publishes weekly articles on motherhood and relationship dynamics including abuse and control. She writes extensively about how patriarchy hurts children, stunts men, and constrains everyone’s ability to live fully.

  • Dr. Christine Cocchiola's YouTube Channel

    Dr. Christine Cocchiola is a US-based social worker and expert on coercive control. Her YouTube tube channel contains many excellent videos, the bulk of which focus on supporting children who are impacted by coercive control.

  • Case By Case Divorce Youtube Channel

    Through Case By Case Divorce, a fellow Canadian mom shares grounding content on self care, healing, parenting, and navigating the court system while dealing with post separation abuse.

  • National Self Represented Litigants Project

    A project dedicated to supporting self represented litigants in Canada. There are numerous helpful resources as well as occasional trainings.

  • Kaitlyn Jorgensen Family Court Strategist

    US-based family court strategist Kaitlyn Jorgensen helps women develop strategies and language to navigate family courts. Her instagram is a helpful resource with plenty of free information.