Shalom Wiebe


Registered Social Worker

Therapeutic Harpist

Live Therapeutic Harp

Rest • Reconnect • Restore

Therapeutic music can support us to…


to ease overwhelm, replenish our depleted systems, reduce and release tension associated with stress, anxiety, and emotional distress.


our inner & outer selves by soothing dysregulated nervous systems, releasing emotions, and inducing a deep restful state that allows us to enter into inner conversations with parts of our selves that may need support & care


our systems to a balanced state by influencing our hormones, relaxing our physical bodies, and regulating our brains in a way that supports us as we process grief, joy, disconnect, or life transitions.

Who is therapeutic harp for?

Therapeutic harp can support a nearly infinite number of situations and experiences. It is wonderful as a support for general wellness, self reflection, and emotional and nervous system regulation. It can also act as a deep support during times of chronic illness or grief and loss, can provide pain relief, respite from stress and overwhelm, and weave a supportive framework for multiple body systems during times of transition such as pregnancy, birth, or death. Therapeutic harp can bring awareness and relief to an individual or group in many diverse situations. Essentially it is for anyone who is drawn to it or seeks it.

What is special about therapeutic music?

Therapeutic music is an offering with the purpose of providing an intentionally restorative environment. The therapeutic musician creates a space of safety through careful awareness of the listener’s needs in order to create a musical landscape that allows them to reconnect with themselves and experience multiple therapeutic benefits.

What’s so magical about the harp?

With its resonant tone and ethereal quality, the harp lends itself particularly well to the offering of therapeutic music. People who experience therapeutic harp often report feeling gently held, safe and connected to various aspects of themselves that may have been difficult to access before their session.

What is it like to experience therapeutic harp?

In a therapeutic harp session, Shalom creates a soothing blanket of sound, weaving together improvised music with gentle songs, often of ancient origin and in emotive modes. The music creates a dreamy and otherworldly ambiance to foster relaxation and restoration. Often music is continuous for up to an hour in order to promote deep rest and relaxation as well as other therapeutic shifts in awareness and body.

Recipients frequently say they feel as though they are in a dream-like state, suspended between sleep and alertness, and they come out of the session deeply relaxed. Others have noticed a variety of experiences that range from opening up forgotten memories, to release of emotions, to gently heightened awareness of sensations and releasing of tension in the mind & body.

The experience is inherently gentle and safe.

Shalom’s Harps


Shalom’s primary instrument is a 36 string Celtic Lever harp made from Canadian cherry wood. It was lovingly built by her father in the Tara style, and has a deeply resonant tone. The original Tara harps were built by Irish harp maker James McFall of Belfast in the 1800s and early 1900s. Tara has supported Shalom through numerous significant life transitions, and has been her musical therapeutic companion now for several decades!

Shalom uses the Tara harp for most sound baths, community / group restorative music events, and for all virtual sessions.


Shalom’s therapy harp is a 27 string Nightingale made from curly birch. It was built by harp maker Jeffery Lewis of Lewis Creek Harps in Michigan, and its pure and full sound is highly sought after for therapeutic music sessions.

Nightingale came into Shalom’s life in the early 2020s as she expanded her journey into therapeutic music & hospice

Shalom typically uses the Nightingale for bedside, individual in-person, as well as therapeutic music in elementary schools.



  • Staff wellness

  • Corporate restorative music sessions

  • Group restorative sessions

  • Professional therapeutic collaborations

  • Team wellness

  • Conferences

  • Workshops & co-facilitation

  • Ambient music for galleries & creative or wellness events


  • Counselling

  • Social work services 

  • Individual in-person & virtual sessions

  • Bereavement

  • Rest & Relaxation

  • Pain Relief

  • Life transitions

  • Nature sessions  

  • Retreats 


  • Therapeutic music workshops to support emotional regulation & mental wellness in school classrooms

  • Community sound bath events

  • Restorative music sessions for community agencies

  • Non profit partner events

  • Collaborative Community Events

  • Interactive experiences

  • Single Mothers’ Retreats

  • Wellness workshops

Professional Collaborations

Interested in Collaborating? Reach out to inquire about working together on a project or event!